07 October 2009


now when am I gonna paint all of these?


Dominic Philibert said...

Thanx man!!!
These characters are really looking great!
Keep up the good work!

DEANIUS said...

Some cool characters in there!

Unknown said...

today......what a silly question.

tinylittlesandra said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tinylittlesandra said...

Yeah, Nate... get on with it! Slacker! ;) These are just great man, your putting me to shame. Thanks though for the visit, my only saving grave is the next time you visit I'll be better. Or heres hoping anyways...


This is great man.
Some really funny faces in there!

tinylittlesandra said...

I meant grace, up above... saving grace... jeesh, I'm getting worse!

Jason Newkirk said...

very nice sir. Like them all... I like the loud lady in the bottom corner.

S.T. Lewis said...

I want to use this as wallpaper... not for my computer, but for my whole house.

Heather Dixon said...

Wow, awesome

B Beach said...

You're the best! Lovely work as always.

Ken said...

That's an awesome sketch sheet dude!

mickael brunet said...

Great,good job!!